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Current Restoration Projects

Learn more about the current work LCFEG is doing to restore and enhance salmon habitat!

In-Stream Restoration

SF Toutle at Johnson Creek Riparian Restoration

This is a riparian and floodplain enhancement project in the Johnson Creek reach of the South Fork Toutle River. We plan to install at least 40 floodplain roughness structures and 38,900 plants over nearly 46 acres. 

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SF Toutle Lower Brownell Reach Restoration

The project will address natural processes to benefit ESA-listed Chinook, coho, and steelhead as well as resident and anadromous lamprey, trout, and a dozen other coldwater fish species inventoried in the reach. This project will finalize the design to install instream and floodplain woody materials as well as jumpstart riparian and upland plant succession.

Wilson Creek - 
Barrier Removal


LCFEG will be working to replace this barrier in Wahkiakum County with a fish-passable structure, likely a bridge, restoring access upstream habitat habitat for coho, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout.

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Coweeman River GMC Design & Upcoming Work

This project was dubbed the "GMC Design" by the design team to condense the mouthful of Goble, Mulholland, and Coweeman Design. LCFEG will use this design to guide the next decade of restoration activities in the Coweeman River watershed, focusing on increasing spawning, summer rearing, and winter rearing habitat for Chinook, coho, and steelhead.

Salmon Creek Camp Singing Wind Design

The objective of this project is to provide a set of preliminary designs within 2 years of funding that adequately details restoration actions. The knowledge gained from this design will set the stage for our goal of watershed-wide restoration of Salmon Creek over the next decade.

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NF Toutle Green River Design

LCFEG has initiated a process-based restoration project in the Green River. This design will identify limiting factors for ESA-listed Chinook, coho, and steelhead and develop a restoration strategy to address these limiting factors. This design expands on our work conducted in the North Fork Toutle. 

Riparian Restoration and Enhancement

Nutrient Enhancement

This project will increase the rearing success of natural-origin juvenile salmonids in the East Fork Lewis, Kalama, Toutle, and Washougal sub-basins over four years. LCFEG will direct and coordinate the dispersal of a minimum of 60,000 surplus hatchery salmonid carcasses during this time. In total, 100 river miles will be addressed through these efforts. 


Mason Creek Restoration

This project will enhance 2.5 miles of aquatic habitat and riparian communities along upper Mason Creek, an East Fork Lewis River tributary. We will install 250 instream habitat structures (Post Assisted Log Structures -PALs and Beaver Dam Analogs -BDAs) and 27,000 riparian plants.

Grays River Maintenance

This project will maintain previously planted areas at past LCFEG restoration sites along the Grays River and Fossil Creek Tributaries. The project site contains over 16 acres of riparian habitat, and is LCFEG's western-most project llocation. 

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