Coweeman River: GMC Design & Upcoming Work
Stay tuned to learn how LCFEG will implement design plans!
Phase I:
This project was dubbed the "GMC Design" by the design team to condense the mouthful of Goble, Mulholland, and Coweeman Design. This design continues the work the Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group started in 2016 with their Coweeman Headwaters Design (SRFB #16-1668). The Coweeman River watershed supports ESA-listed Chinook, coho, chum, and steelhead. The Chinook in the Coweeman are a legacy population, genetically unique in the Columbia River basin. LCFEG will use this design to guide the next decade of restoration activities in the Coweeman River watershed, focusing on increasing spawning, summer rearing, and winter rearing habitat for Chinook, coho, and steelhead. We built the design to be fundable, functional, and climate-resilient. Once implemented, this project will produce cold water refugia and increased flow at incremental locations along the whole length of the Coweeman River from the cool headwaters at Baird Creek (RM25.9), to the 303d temperature-listed middle reaches at Mulholland Creek (RM18.5) and Goble Creek (RM11.2). This project capitalized on our working relationship with Weyerhaeuser and added 21.9 miles of additional instream and floodplain restoration work beyond the 7.3 miles that LCFEG implemented in the watershed between 2019 and 2023.

Photo: Looking upstream on the Coweeman River.
Target Species

Partners | Consultants
ESA Listed Chinook, coho, chum, and steelhead
21.9 miles of stream treated
WA State RCO SRFB #(22-1072) $199,826.00