Wilson Creek - Barrier Removal
This targetted barrier culvert is on a tributary to Wilson Creek in Wahkiakum County. LCFEG will be working to replace this barrier with a fish-passable structure, likely a bridge, restoring access to 0.91 miles of habitat for coho, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout. We are currently working on the preliminary design phase, and are partnered with Parr Excellence for the engineering aspect of the replacement. We are slated to go into construction next summer (2025)!
This effort is 1 of 2 ongoing projects by LCFEG towards the Columbia River Estuary aiming to boost the health of a coastal watershed.
Figure 1. Image of the barrier culvert to be replaced.
Figure 2. One end of the culvert to be replaced is rusted and damaged.
Target Species
Partners | Consultants
Sea-run cutthroat trout, Coho, Steelhead
Restore access to miles 0.91 of habitat
Parr Excellence​
WA State RCO FFFPP #(22-1859) $60,000