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Confluence of Little Cow Creek and the SF Toutle River.JPG

SF Toutle - Little Cow Creek Project 


The Little Cow Creek project will address key limiting factors for ESA-listed fall Chinook, coho, and winter steelhead in critical off channel habitat of the upper SF Toutle River. The project aims to extend the range of usable habitat for Chinook as well as diversify existing steelhead and coho habitat. Little Cow Creek offers off-channel, side-channel, and wall-based channel habitat as well as protected Chinook spawning. Little Cow Springs was previously enhanced by WDFW in the 1980s following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens; it offers critical off-channel habitat. LCFEG will produce a preliminary design that will enhance the habitat and ensure it is available to fish at critical life stages. Little Cow Springs and Little Cow Creek confluences with the SF Toutle are in the lower end of a long valley in the upper watershed. Prior to the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980, this high valley supported significant runs of Chinook, coho, steelhead, and sea run cutthroat trout and LCFEG is using this grant round as a starting point to recovering these unique and important fish populations. Overall treatment will cover 1,976’ of instream and 2,040’ of off-channel with 62 structures, 37.7 acres of riparian habitat with late successional and beaver-friendly species, and 895’ of floodplain forest with floodplain roughness. 

Target Species 

Chinook ​


# Miles of Stream Treated 

37.7 Acres of Floodplain Treated 


Grant Funds

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