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Grays Creek December 2020_drone_first flood after const. (1).JPG

Grays River - Fossil Creek Restoration 


Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group built and designed a restoration plan within the coastal ecozone benefitting ESA-listed Chinook, coho, chum, and steelhead. The project, located just upstream of the tidally influenced zone of the Grays River, protects and enhances 16.17 acres of riparian habitat as well as 0.61 miles of instream conditions in Fossil Creek and the Grays River. LCFEG worked with three private landowners and the WA State Department of Natural Resources to address a number of habitat conditions that impact both fish and people.  The Grays River is currently in a state of flux following historic diking and contemporary avulsion. The lower half mile of Fossil Creek is still in recovery from a large pulse of sediment following the 1996 flood. Despite these conditions, there were a few good reference jams within Fossil Creek in the project area today where woody debris is creating suitable conditions for rearing or spawning salmonids, thus suggesting the project location would be suitable. The project's success continues to help the river find a new equilibrium. In fall of 2021, LCFEG staff observed more chum salmon in Fossil Creek than in years prior to the project. WDFW also documented a Chinook redd in Fossil Creek, the first observed since LCFEG has been working at the site (2018). 

Target Species 

Chinook ​



0.61 Miles of Stream Treated 

16.17  Acres of Floodplain Treated 



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